Monday, September 22, 2008

Its so pretty right now

I'm so happy to be able to get around better now. It has been such sweet weather for taking little walks in the woods. Sometimes I still use the crutches or one crutch for a little relief. I got to hang out in Slatyfork this weekend and be shuttle bunny for the cool ladies that came out for the singletrack clinic. It was so fun to see their smiling faces after Tea Creek Mountain Trail and then on Sunday after Props Run. They had the ear to ear adrenaline/endurphine rush. And of course the food and wine is always good at Elk River.

There is a big bounty of apples this year. Johnny Appleseed traveled all over West Virginia and every back road has tons of apple trees. I took some back road home, planning out my Western Divide bike Tour that goes along the Virginia/West Virginia State line...can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. how far and fast you have come in your recovery is an inspiration!
